The image most people have of Cleopatra comes from her depiction in movies, mainly those produced in Hollywood. So, like all levels of government, they are by no means perfect. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Then the bloating begins to happen in the government. Instead of having multiple layers of bureaucracy to navigate, you have a clear set of expectations to follow. Short Answer (2 Points) What do the appointments of the Supreme Court's two newest justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, reveal about the changing court system? 2. Why? Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Sub-national governments in the US serve to address residents at a more nearby level, particularly in regards to neighborhood issues. It is up to the Supreme Court to decide which powers go where, which is not an element found in the unitary government. Is it preferable for representatives in the state legislature to behave as trustees or as delegates? The Constitution is over 200 years old and certain powers may need to be modified as the country changes. There is less complexity in the legal system of a unitary government. States and provinces, and the local governments inside of them, often find themselves dependent on the governments above them for revenues. In which areas do you think people's rights and liberties are at risk of government intrusion? It can also become the foundation for some of the most oppressive societies that our planet has ever seen. Whether or not a president's political party controls congress can either be an opportunity or disadvantage. What are the advantages and disadvantages of international trade law. A positive characteristic of the dual court system is that it allows more cases to be heard and more specificity within the cases. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? This is good to a certain extent; however, the legislator should make decisions that are ultimately in the constituency's best interest, even if the decision initially goes against the constituent's will. Georgias impending voting law could change the outcome of the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election, which would then impact everyone in the United States. Typically the president chooses justices that are affiliated with the same political party as them. \text { No } & \underline{112} & \underline{126} & \underline{238}\\ 1. In rural areas, special purpose districts may be created to manage pest control and irrigation, allowing local farmers to pool their resources and provide common service to a wider number of people. Why? What faults does he point to in Lachess and Niciass definitions of courage? This content was accessible as of December 29, 2012, and it was downloaded then by Andy Schmitz in an effort to preserve the availability of this book. The most common special purpose district are school districts, which manage K-12 school systems in most parts of the country. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, there are counties, but no county governments. and you must attribute OpenStax. Defend your answer. Sometimes ambiguity among people about the responsibility of state at different levels. NetsalesNetincome(loss)TotalassetsShareinformationSharesoutstandingatyear-endPreferreddividends2014$1,117,20466,176855,33864,507,000-0-2013$1,124,59154,587838,07866,282,000-0-. Only Nebraska has a unicameral legislatureA legislature with only one chamber, as opposed to a two-chambered legislature, such as the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress, or the House of Lords and House of Commons in the British Parliament., with one non-partisan chamber to do the states legislative business. The advantages of having so many subnational governments in the US include greater autonomy for different regions of the country. Every authorization for assistance must come through the centralized government. Latest answer posted April 30, 2021 at 6:21:45 PM. While particularly in the area of foreign affairs, states are subservient to the national government, they may have quite a bit of leeway to set their own laws within the boundaries established by a national constitution. 10. Because you are not contending with multiple layers of bureaucracy under the unitary style, there are fewer administrative costs to manage with this centralized government. What does it take for a country to be on a gold standard ? Latest answer posted June 18, 2019 at 6:25:00 AM. He has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and takes an oral medication to control his blood glucose. So even as they try to create law and policy that appeals to local residents, they find themselves under pressure from governments above them to spend the money in a particular way, as dictated by state or national governments. In the United States and other countries with federal systems of government, another important piece of the political pie are state and local governments, also sometimes called sub-national . "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Sub-national governments are comprised of local and state governments. The first advantage is the area of focus, each level of subnational government can work upon. The role of first ladies has expanded tremendously over the years. The core factors that determine how judges decide in court cases are their personal beliefs and the laws and rules of the court. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Defend your answer." How might Congress overcome the fact that such representation does not always best serve constituents' interests? The founding fathers wanted to make sure that American citizens always had representation and a voice in government; many people believe sub-national governments ensure that citizens' voices are heard. Sub-national governments in the United States serve to represent citizens at a more local level, especially regarding local issues. Already a member? It is possible to have a unitary republic or monarchy while using this structure. In some states, port districts are charged with encouraging economic development and managing sea and airports to encourage commerce and foster job creation. The policy-making process is longer because the individual policies have to be passed through more levels of subnational governments. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written 1097, Nicosia, Cyprus. \text{Total}&1,50&146&296 The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo Explain three benefits and three drawbacks of Federalism. The company is registered at 4 Diagora Street, Kermia Building, Office 202, P.C. The U.S. Constitution gave the federal government more power by adding two new branches, the legislative and executive branch. D. all of the above. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Because it must suddenly become everything to everyone, the processes can get significantly bogged down. Fiscal policy is established as a stabilizing instrument against the volatility of economic activity, a function that becomes more important considering the decentralization model that governs Colombia and many countries, and which is characterized by the fact that subnational governments have fiscal autonomy, and therefore are active agents in the provision of goods and services under a . Subnational governments reduce the workload of the national government. Academic.Tips. Academic.Tips. Explain. What about other federal officials? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, The founding fathers wanted Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Defend your answer. In smaller cities and towns, cities operate using the council-manager form of government, by which the city council serves as both legislature and executive, but hires a full-time, professional manager to oversee the day-to-day operations of city government. (There are also county and township levels of government, but these tend to be much less consequential.) The advantages of having so many subnational governments in the United States is that different regions of the country with different needs have the autonomy and flexibility to respond to their own priorities. Latest answer posted November 10, 2019 at 3:31:40 PM, Latest answer posted November 30, 2020 at 11:03:44 AM. The disparate state laws can create inequality and oppression that can then impact the overall country. Congress usually insists that the states adhere to certain standards and levels of funding in order to receive federal matching funds, although in recent decades Congress has leaned more toward giving states some leeway in deciding how to structure such programs. The opportunities for presidential leadership in the current political system centers around technology. This is Sub-National Governments, section 7.4 from the book A Primer on Politics (v. 0.0). What are some of the similarities and differences between a parliamentary and presidential democracy? One of the fundamental principles that the United States tries to follow is being close to the population and letting them contribute to the government. Also, consider how each state has its own unique concerns, problems, and culture; the rules or guidelines that work well in one state may not work as well in another. States manage park systems, regional economic development efforts, and state legislatures set tax rates and create budgets that direct state spending. Consider passing it on: Creative Commons supports free culture from music to education. A legislature with only one chamber, as opposed to a two-chambered legislature, such as the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress, or the House of Lords and House of Commons in the British Parliament. If a government switches from a federated system to this one, the benefits often shine brightly at first. They range in population from around 10 million in Los Angeles County to less than 100 in Loving County, Texas. Sometimes candidates unpopular with the party leadership reach the top. The term is important for the protection of democracy. The Constitution of the United States provides for a separation of powers to exist between state and federal governments. At the same time, they wanted the states to function with a degree of unity and coherence. Accessed 2 Mar. The advantages of having so many subnational governments in the United States is that different regions of the country with different needs have the autonomy and flexibility to. Our mission is to improve educational access and learning for everyone. Some Americans believe that corruption, bribery, party politics, and unfair practices become too common when many of the same members of Congress are in office year after year. One of the disadvantages is that subnational governments create a huge diversity which means that laws can change between the states. defer to the decisions of the elected branches of government. Recent tests have revealed Steve has fatty liver, which concerns him. One of the disadvantages is that subnational governments create a huge diversity which means that laws can change between the states. It has power, but that power relies upon the other branches to be implemented or enforced. Instead of dividing a persons loyalties between the state and the national government, everyone is placed in a position where they work to support one another. Other powers are then granted to the collective states, while a handful of responsibilities are shared by both. That may provide some inconvenience at times, but it can also reduce the risk of an unknown violation of the law. Instead of following multiple laws simultaneously, the general population is asked to follow one specific set of regulations instead. Would citizens be represented well or at all? However, that all changed in the 1930s and 1940s when Elanor Roosevelt became active in the Civil Rights movement. Cities fix potholes, help organize summer fairs and festivals, and maintain local parks. When the Founding Fathers were thinking about how to organize the United States, they were worried about setting up a country that could slide into the type of Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. helps people like you help teachers fund their classroom projects, from art supplies to books to calculators. What changes were made to strengthen the role of the federal government under the U.S. Constitution? - Sub national g View the full answer Previous question Next question What do primary sources tell us that Hollywood fails to or refuses to tell us? Each regional department exists to implement the directives that the central government issues on a regular basis. Defend your answer'. Which of the following is an example of an executive agreement? Explain. We recommend using a This governing structure can encourage an abuse of power. The 50 U.S. states are in some ways like 50 mini-republics, each with its own executive, legislative and judicial branches. It can protect homeowners home values, because youre going to have a harder time selling your home if somebody builds a Wal-Mart or other large store around the corner. Consider Chicago, which has strict gun laws but also high levels of gun violence. He also has high cholesterol and recently started taking a lipid-lowering medication. The governor is the chief executive, although states often have separately elected statewide officials such as the state attorney general or the state treasurer. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Local authorities are able to adapt to local needs and react more quickly to local problems than central government. Explain two challenges you foresee speaking with Steve about the correlation to his health and his drinking habits. However, the publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and book URI to be removed. Why? If at any point the people or the Supreme Court recognize that the Congress no longer needs this power they can "reel it in.". The judicial branch is more powerful than other branches in the sense that it can set precedents and make rulings. The role and function of subnational governments in modern governments. Respond to at least 2 other students' posts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? The autonomy of states or provinces will depend if the overall system of government is federal or unitary. OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. That was a decision of the state government. A unitary government is the most common form of governing found on our planet today. A sample of 150 female SMB owners and 146 male SMB owners revealed the following results: CONCERNEDABOUTLIMITEDACCESSTOMONEY? This system is used in many countries worldwide, including the United States. One advantage of so many local and state (i.e., subnational) governments in the United States of America is often attached to freedom. Disparate state laws create inequality and oppression which affect the general country. That means there are times when there is more bureaucracy to navigate instead of less since a federated state could immediate dispatch assistance, like how a governor can send out the National Guard to provide support. September 28, 2022. The whole purpose of a correctly-structure unitary government is to create common ground. Registration No: 317209. The majority typically rules at the expense of the minority in this situation, only granting rights to people when it suits their best interests. 1999-2023, Rice University. (2022) 'What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? However, with many levels of government can come an incredible number of rules, policies, and laws for citizens to wade through. While there were debates in the classic model it was more working together to accomplish a task, unlike today's model of legislation that is full of filibusters and irrelevant arguments. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? What are the advantages and disadvantages of liberalism and radicalism? Then the state representatives can communicate these issues to the governing body to ensure that enough attention is given to the problem. But on election day Bush ended up losing the popular vote by a small margin (although winning the electoral vote). If something goes against the constituency's will the legislator can exercise their judgment on what will ultimately be best for the people. Exercise The advantage of the unitary government is that this confusion disappears. (Dollars are in thousands, except share information. Remember that the status of sub-national or local depends on whether the nation operates under a federal or under a unitary system. People can speak to the officials at their local office to voice their concerns about local matters. This process saves time during an emergency situation because there are not multiple layers of bureaucracy to navigate so that resources can get to where they need to go. Academic.Tips. Why? Many resource-rich subnational governments don't have the same policy options as Wyoming. Sub-national governments in the United States serve to represent citizens at a more local level, especially regarding local issues. This consideration would also be relevant to local officials. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 license. Councillors and officers have an understanding of the local area and can tailor policies to that area. Whenever an unexpected situation arises, whether it is from a natural disaster or a declaration of war, the government can respond with better accuracy and more speed domestically or overseas because one decision instead of four or more needs to be made. The council makes law; the mayor is the chief executive of city government. Do bureaucrats accomplish much? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . In France, the central government exercises total control over all of the local political subdivisions. September 28, 2022. Provide at least one positive and one negative characteristic of having overlapping court systems in the United States. In faulting traditional beliefs, Plato uses the case of courage. 2021, American Government Exam 3 Free-Response Simp, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Is what we know about her confirmed by primary sources? In a ________ political culture, the government is seen as a mechanism for maintaining the existing social order or status quo. The decision-making process of a unitary government may be fast, but the design of their resources means that the response can be very slow. (2022, September 23). Likewise, in the absence of a rise in the national minimum wage, states and even cities have had the flexibility to raise wages on their own. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Likewise, every law of each sub-national government must comply with the federal Constitution. Some of the enumerated powers granted to Congress in the Constitution include the power to regulate interstate commerce, raise and support armies, coin money, declare war, and conduct foreign affairs. Unitarian governments work to create a system of unity. Reference. In which level of substate government would you be most likely to get involved? Sub-national governments exist to help each state address its own needs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Texas's judicial selection process? 6. Although it is possible for a unitary government to make decisions quickly, the structure can lack in the infrastructure it needs to implement the choices it makes. The key disadvantages are inefficiency and lack of equity. In some states, large cities and counties have received whats called a limited home-rule charter, by which they have a little more authority to decide their own affairs. 21. 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